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  • Writer's pictureRachel

Most Dangerous Game Answers

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

Instead of scouring the internet looking for "Most Dangerous Game" answers, give your students some mini-project options to complete.

1. Character Images: Choose at least three images that represent Rainsford’s character throughout the story. Be sure your images show the changes that take place in Rainsford.

With each image include a description of Rainsford at that point in the story and how the characterization is developed. (3-4 sentences for each image)

2. Current Event Connections: Find a news article from the last year that relates in some way to the story.

Write a one-paragraph summary of the article and two paragraphs about how it relates to the story. Be sure to make specific connections between events, characters, and/or ideas.

3. Literary Devices: Choose at least 5 literary devices (simile/ personification/ foreshadowing/ etc.) from the story. Create a table with the device, what type it is, and what it means.

4. Create a Quiz: Create your own quiz for the story. Write four Level-4 questions, three Level-3 questions, two Level-2 questions, and one Level-1 question.


5. Mood Collage: 1. Underline/ write down five words, phrases, or lines from the story that help to create the mood.

2. Write down at least 2 words that describe the tone of the story.

3. Create a collage of at least 15 pictures, colors, words, and/ or phrases that illustrates the mood of the story.

6. Theme Statement: 1. List the conflicts in the story and how each is resolved.

2. Write a one-sentence summary of the story that includes the main conflict and resolution.

3. Choose a word or short phrase (4 words max) that expresses the topic of the story.

3. Write down three words that describe the tone at the end of the story. (How does the narrator seem to feel about what happened?)

4. From how the conflict is resolved and how the narrator seems to feel about it, write a theme statement. Remember a theme statement should express what the writer of the story thinks about the topic of the story.

All of the options can be completed independently, in pairs, or in groups. The mini-projects should each take 20-40 minutes to complete, but please assess for your students. Some of the options require a newspaper, a magazine, and/or internet access to complete.

Visit my TpT Store, for a one-page Choice Board of the above options.

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